IN DEBT to the Believer and the Unbeliever
"Both to Greeks and to barbarians
(to the cultured and the uncultured), both to the wise and to the foolish,
I have an obligation to discharge and a duty to perform and a debt to pay."
Romans 1:14 (Amp

23 July 2010

"Come Up Higher"

"Truly, truly I say to you, the Son can do nothing
of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father
doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the
Son also does in like manner."
John 5:19

Jesus said, "I only do those things I see the Father doing." May we all follow in the footsteps of Jesus and do only those things we see Him doing.

Let me share an experience with you that I had a couple of weeks ago in a glorious service where the Lord took us high into the Spirit through a time of worship with a song "I See the Lord". It was truly a glorious time into heights and experiences never seen before with my spirit eyes. As we worshiped corporately you could feel the unity of our spirits joining together as one as we rose higher and higher into the realm of the Spirit, into that realm of glory, into the place of His majestic presence. It was glorious! It was a corporate rising when we caught the wind and wave of the Spirit as it entered the sanctuary and lifted us higher and higher. And in the Spirit as we worshiped and exalted His holiness I could see the back of Jesus as He stepped up onto the throne, with the long train of His robe behind Him filling the sanctuary. Then I saw Him turn around and sit on the throne, in His seat of authority, and then I heard Him say, "It is finished."
It was powerful. It was a life changing moment and experience.

As I have continued to relive that experience I can feel and hear the Spirit of God calling us, His Bride-the Church, to do the same, to follow in His footsteps, to rise up and take our place of authority, to take our seat of authority next to Him. We are "raised up with Him and seated with Him in heavenly places in Christ Jesus", seated with Him at the right hand of the Father, far above all rule and authority and all power and dominion, and every name that is named, and everything has been put into subjection under our feet. (Eph 2:6, 1:20-22) The Spirit of God is calling us up into this higher realm, a realm of divine revelation, a realm of God's divine power and authority.

As we worship, seeing the Lord high and lifted up, the Spirit will draw us up into that realm that we were created for. We will follow Him into our place and position of authority and power. It will be high above the circucmstances and the realm of our carnal mind and reasoning. It will be in the realm of the spirit of divine wisdom, insight and understanding, the realm of divine power and authority, the realm of our victory from every battle and circumstance that we encounter.

We must go there. We must begin our ascent. We must consecrate ourselves to this assignment to discover and be empowered to operate in our own individual assignment and purpose, to fulfill the call and purpose we were each created for. It's a corporate ascent, but it takes an indiviual decision, choice and yielding from each of us to make that ascent. It takes a daily yearning and seeking and drawing upon the Spirit of God to take us up there. Each day, each drawing will take you up higher and further and freer from the things that have kept you bound and in the lower places of the valley and desert of your lack and frustration. You were created for the high places. We all were. Begin your ascent today. "Lift up your eyes to the mountains from whence your help comes from." (Ps 121:1) Lift up your eyes to the One seated on the throne Who is calling you and saying, "Come up higher.....come up higher. There is a place for you here beside Me. Come up higher."
Begin to worship Him in Spirit and in truth, for this is what the Father seeks. "For God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." (John 4:23,24)