IN DEBT to the Believer and the Unbeliever
"Both to Greeks and to barbarians
(to the cultured and the uncultured), both to the wise and to the foolish,
I have an obligation to discharge and a duty to perform and a debt to pay."
Romans 1:14 (Amp

30 March 2010

Holy Spirit Fall Fresh On Me

"Come Holy Spirit, fall afresh on me.
Fill me with Your power, satisfy my need.
Only You can make me whole, give me strength
and make me grow.
Come Holy Spirit, fall afresh on me."

Come Holy Spirit. I need a fresh outpouring of Your Spirit. I need You more today than ever before. More of You, Lord. More love, more power, more of You in my life. Come Holy Spirit, fall fresh on me.

21 March 2010

It's In His Presence

"In Your presence, that's where I am strong,
In Your presence, O Lord, my God.
In Your presence, that's where I belong,
Seeking Your face,
Touching Your grace,
In the cleft of the Rock."

This song sings and speaks so much of my heart.
It's in Your presence, Lord, that I find my strength. It's in Your presence that I'm able to touch Your grace, and I that can see Your face. It's in Your presence, Lord.
This is where I belong. This is where I long for. Nothing can substitute Your touch and Your presence. It's precious to me, Lord. And as I move forward in You, Lord, keep me in the cleft of the Rock. Keep me tight within Your grasp. Keep my eyes and my gazed focused on Your face, that I may reflect Your glory and Your grace. O Lord, it's in Your presence that I am strong in You, that I can conquer and overcome every obstacle, that I can be who You've called me to be. It's in Your presence, Lord.
I guard that place in You. I protect it and I prioritize it. I am jealous after it, Lord, just as You are jealous after me. Your love for me and my love for You is expressed and exchanged in this hiding place in the cleft of the Rock. You are my Rock. You are my Redeemer. You are my Deliverer, the Lover of my soul. You are my all in all. Keep me hidden in You, Lord. Keep me in that cleft of the Rock, in Your presence where I belong. Amen

11 March 2010

It's All His

"The earth is the Lord's
and all its fullness."
Psalm 24:1

The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.  It all belongs to You, God.  We take our stand on the land of our inheritance - our home and our church.  We stake claim on that land for the You, God.  We stake claim on it, and we will not be moved in Jesus name.
"The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine," declares the Lord.
Haggai 2:8
You, Lord, are drawing the silver and the gold of this world into the Kingdom for Your Kingdom purposes. We partner with You and claim it and draw it into the Kingdom for this last-hour Kingdom work in the harvesting of souls.
"The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous."  
Proverbs 13:22
We ARE the rightousness of God IN Christ Jesus. We take our position in You, Lord, and receive Your rightousness, and we receive and take hold of the wealth of the wicked in Your name.  We draw upon it and bring it into this land, this earth that we stand on IN Your name.  We draw upon and command the wealth of the wicked and the silver and gold to come to the house of God where it belongs, where Your presence dwells.

Come Kingdom of God.  Be done will of God, here in my life, in our family, in our church in this region as it is in heaven. Come and be glorified through the transference of wealth of the wicked to the righteous.  We do not shrink back, but we take hold of our position in Christ, and draw upon the blessing of our inheritance in Jesus name. Lord, You respond to our faith and our prayers. You search our hearts and purify our motives that Your will may be done in our lives, that Your Kingdom would come, and that You would receive all the glory. Your eyes are searching to and fro across the earth to strongly support those whose heart is completely Yours. It's all for You, Lord. It's all for You.  Amen and amen

04 March 2010

Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So

"Let the redeemed of the Lord say so,
Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy."
Psalm 107:2

I thank You, Lord, that You are my Redeemer, my Healer and my Deliverer. I thank You that You have redeemed me from the pit of lack and debt and poverty, and You have set my feet upon the Rock of my Redeemer. I thank You that You have redeemed me from the curse of the law, having become a curse for me, for it is written, "Cursed is everyone that hands on a tree." I thank You that You did this so that the blessing of Abraham might come upon me through the life given for me in Christ Jesus. I thank You for Your life that was laid down for me, Jesus, for the blood that You shed for my sins so that I may be redeemed back to my Father in heaven. I thank You that because of that blood I am now seated with You at the right hand of the Father, far above every rule and authority, every power and dominion, and every name that is named, and everything is now been put under my feet. I thank You for the blood that redeemed me, the blood that washed me, the blood that gave me access into my heavenly position in Christ Jesus, and the blood that speaks of my blessings and my divine inheritance. I thank You that I appropriate this blood daily and enter into the Holy of Holies, into the presence of my King, the Lover of my soul, my Master and my everything. I thank You, Lord, for loving me to life, for loving me to my position at Your side, and for calling me Your bride. I thank You, Lord, for blessing me with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus, that in You I have more than enough, and in You all my needs are met not just according to my needs, but according to Your riches in Christ Jesus. I thank You, Lord, that You are pouring out blessings upon me that there is not room enough to receive it, and You are rebuking the devour for my sake. I thank You that You are blessing me that I may be a blessing. I thank You, Lord, that heaven and earth is being moved for Your bride so that You may be glorified in her in this last hour and that You may partner with her in the greatest harvest of souls of all time. I thank You, Lord, and I praise You for Who You are and all that You are doing. All to Your glory, Lord. All to Your glory.  Amen and amen