IN DEBT to the Believer and the Unbeliever
"Both to Greeks and to barbarians
(to the cultured and the uncultured), both to the wise and to the foolish,
I have an obligation to discharge and a duty to perform and a debt to pay."
Romans 1:14 (Amp

16 April 2011

Watch and See

"I see what you've done. Now see what I've done.
I've opened a door before you that no one can slam
shut. You don't have much strength, I know that;
you used what you had to keep My Word. You didn't
deny me when times were rough."
Rev 3:8 (The Message)

I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, "Watch what I will do for you. Watch as you lay on your face before Me surrendering and yielding all to Me. Watch as you become that branch that abides in the vine, as you look and draw from Me as your source and power. Watch as you lay your hand on that person or situation and look to Me for the answer. Watch as I release My power and show My glory. Watch as I take your weakness and reveal My strength. Watch, just watch and see what I will do. I have seen what you have done, but now watch and see what I will do. This is My hour of power and glory. This is My hour that I show Myself mighty on your behalf. Watch, just watch and see what I will do."

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