"For my determined purpose is that I may know Him.
Philippians 3:10 Amp.
As I read and meditated on this one sentence in Philippians, I stood in this place of my present circumstances, and my eyes became focused on Jesus. My eyes and my countenance were lifted up to gaze upon the One that I was determined to know intimately and personally.
Here I was, His daughter, His beloved, His life in me and my life in Him, a vessel that He had placed big dreams in, Kingdom visions and desires in her heart, a vessel given and yielded to be used for His glory. Then all of the sudden I saw His Spirit speeding towards me, reaching through time and space, and He grabbed me and fast forwarded me into the future, into a broad place. It was my Redeemer. It was His Holy Spirit, the Helper, that had apprehended me, that had taken me and redeemed me out of my present circumstances, and had brought me out into a broad place, a place of abundance, a place of great wealth, a place where my barns were full and my vats were overflowing with new wine and oil. I was standing in a place where my bank accounts and investments were full and overflowing, and my spirit and my mind were overflowing with new anointing and revelations. He had brought me into a broad place of abundance, a place where I was giving hundreds of thousands of dollars away, even millions, buying homes for people, paying off other people's debts and being His vessel of blessing.
Then I saw that I was standing in a garden that was in full bloom. It stretched for miles and miles. It had grown from all the seeds that I had sown in the past, that had been watered by prayer and by His Spirit, and were now in full bloom. I was in a place of great blessing, flourishing in His garden, a garden that had been planted in faith and expectation of the blessing to follow. They were seeds that had been planted during the time of famine and lack and now had bloomed into the full fruit of their origin. He showed me that this garden stretched for miles and stretched across the oceans to other continents, into Africa and other countries that the seed had been scattered and sown into. It was a broad place, a huge garden, flourishing and abounding with much fruit and color.
Then He showed me a large fountain in the garden and He said that I was that fountain, flowing forth with His knowledge, wisdom and life, flowing forth with His revelation and life giving Spirit. He showed me that I had tapped into the underground spring of water that flowed forth from His heart, and that as I stayed connected to His heart through fellowship and prayer that this spring of water would flow forth continually and water the garden and continue to give it life. He showed me that this broad place and flourishing garden is where He wanted me to live and to speak from throughout my days, that this was my life in Him as He had designed it for me. He showed me that this place was not of my imagination, but it was His image and His plan for me as I lived in the Spirit and walked with Him into it.
Jesus is my Redeemer and He has redeemed me out of my present circumstances into His future and plan for my life, and He has revealed it to me by His Spirit. "For I know the plans that I have for you, plans for good and not for destruction, plans to give you a future and a hope...And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart."
Jesus is my Redeemer and He has redeemed me out of my present circumstances into His future and plan for my life, and He has revealed it to me by His Spirit. "For I know the plans that I have for you, plans for good and not for destruction, plans to give you a future and a hope...And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart."
Lord, thank You for this picture and image of Your heart and plan. Thank You that You have good plans for us and that as we seek You with all of our heart, we will find You and You will reveal them to us by Your Spirit. Thank You that our life is in You, it is in the Spirit, and that we are not governed and ruled by our natural circumstances but we are governed and ruled by what Your Word says. Our life is in You, our future is in You, and our hope is in You. You are all we need to live victoriously here on earth. You have made us more than conquerors. You have made us victorious in Christ Jesus who IS our life and source. Amen and amen
Ps. 66:12; Prov. 3:9,10; Jn 7:37-38; Jer.29:11-13; Rom. 8:37