Since that night I have continued to feel the anointing on that act and that declaration as the Lord has continued to bring that word back into my spirit and use it to declare and decree a landslide of finances and blessing to be released over my family and over my church and even over co-workers that have shared with me the dire circumstances that they are facing right now. This last week when one co-worker shared, the Lord just prompted me to take that position of authority and victory on the mountaintop and begin to stomp with my heal right in front of her and declare a release and landslide of blessings, favor and finances to come upon her and her family. I shared the experience we had at prayer and what God was wanting to do in our lives as we go up higher into our place of victory and authority over the circumstances.
The Lord was showing me that the rock we were stomping our heal into was Jesus Christ. He is the Rock. And as we do this we are putting a demand on the grace and mercy and blessings of favor that are found in that Rock. It's His grace, and it's His mercy that He has purchased for us and the people, and we are to go to the high place of His presence and put a demand on that grace and mercy and favor to be released. As intercessors that is what we are called to do, to stand in the gap, to bring the needs of the people before God and put a demand on the grace, mercy and favor of God through Jesus Christ to be released. God is into blessing His children. He wants to bless us. And His eyes "look to and fro across the earth to strongly support those whose heart is completely His." He will respond with a landslide of blessings, with a landslide of grace and mercy, when we come to Him with hearts that are fully His, when we take a stand on the Rock of who we are in Christ and put a demand on that grace and mercy that is ours in Christ Jesus. God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. He is faithful and He watches over His Word to perform it. He is looking for people that will rise up out of their circumstances and come up to the mountain of the Lord, into the high place of His presence and seek His face and His heart, and place a demand on His grace, on His unearned, unmerited favor to be released. He delights in our position that we take in Him. He loves to see us take our place in the Kingdom, to take our position above the circumstances and put a demand on His love and His grace. He is ready to respond to His children that have left behind the things of the world and their dependency on the world's system and have come up to the mountain of the Lord to seek His face and to plead His cause for the need of the people. He is not an angry God. He is a God full of love and mercy and grace that is drawing us up higher out of our bondages and dependancies of the world. He wants our hearts and He wants us to rise up in who we are IN Him.
So let us come up to the mountain of the Lord. Let us come up higher out of our circumstances and into His presence, into our secret place, and into our positions IN Christ. Let us put a demand on the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, out Rock and our Deliverer, our Redeemer and King.
"Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord?
And who may stand in His holy place"
He who has clean hands and a pure heart,
Who has not lifted up his soul to falsehood,
And has not sworn deceitfully.
He shall receive a blessing from the Lord
And righteousness from the God of his salvation.
This is the generation of those who seek Him,
Who seek His face--even Jacob."
Psalm 24:3-6
2 Chron 16:9; Heb 11:6; 1Cor 1:9; Jer 1:12; Ps 18:1-2
2 Chron 16:9; Heb 11:6; 1Cor 1:9; Jer 1:12; Ps 18:1-2