IN DEBT to the Believer and the Unbeliever
"Both to Greeks and to barbarians
(to the cultured and the uncultured), both to the wise and to the foolish,
I have an obligation to discharge and a duty to perform and a debt to pay."
Romans 1:14 (Amp

05 May 2022

Faith Without Works Is Dead

Act now with your faith and a fresh surrender. Let's put feet to our faith, take action, and be a blessing to someone who needs a helping hand. The Kingdom is about giving. It's about giving out of what we've received to see the advancement of the Kingdom of God on the earth. Whatever you have in your hand or have been given is enough. God multiplies what we sow and what we offer in faith. He's the Multiplier, the Miracle Worker, the Promise Keeper, and He is unlocking a new level of generosity in us, His bridal partner, that He may pour into us and through us in a more excellent way.

Advancing the Kingdom together!