IN DEBT to the Believer and the Unbeliever
"Both to Greeks and to barbarians
(to the cultured and the uncultured), both to the wise and to the foolish,
I have an obligation to discharge and a duty to perform and a debt to pay."
Romans 1:14 (Amp

04 December 2009

The Table of Blessing

If you are in a desperate situation, if you are finding yourself between a rock and a hard place, surrounded by the impossible and don't know any way out, you are at a good place. God wants you to know, really know, that He has "prepared a table before you in the presence of your enemies." It's in these places of desperation that we come to terms with the truth, and ask ourselves, "What IS the truth? We have to ask ourselves, "Is it the circumstances that are surrounding me and that are subject to change that are the truth, or is it God's Word that never changes that is the truth?" Are we REALLY going to believe God's Word? Is HE a God of truth or is He a liar? Will He do what He said He will do?"
It's in these desperate situations we receive the opportunity, and we choose to come and sit at the table that He has prepared before us in the presence of our enemies and in the presence of all the impossible circumstances that surround us. We have no other place to go but to God. He's the only one that can help us now. So we come to the table of truth, the table of His blessing. We look around the table and we see what we will see.
What has He laid out on the table before YOU?

My table says He meets all of my needs in Christ Jesus. It says I am blessed with every spiritual blessing. It says that when I give that it will be given to me, pressed down shaken together and running over, that men will give into my bosom. It says that when I honor God with my first fruits, and I bring my tithes and offerings into the storehouse that He will open up for me the windows of heaven and He will pour out on me a blessing that there's not room enough to receive it, and He will rebuke the devour for my sake. It says that when I seek Him and His kingdom first and make HIM my priority that all these other things will be added to me, that I don't have to strive for them, they are given to me.

When I look around at my table I see promises and I feel peace and love. So I choose in this desperate hour to sit at my table of blessing, the table that God has prepared before me in the presence of my enemies in the impossible circumstances that surround me. I choose to meditate on His truths and believe HIM. It's a choice that I make. God's come to give me life and give it abundantly when I choose HIM, when I choose His Son, Jesus. It's like coming to a fork in the road. You have to choose which path to take, faith and trust in God or fear and doubt and unbelief. His path leads to life, the other leads to death. God says, "Choose LIFE". He is faithful. He WILL lead you out of your circumstances as you trust, lean on and follow Him.

Ps 23:5, Phil 4:9, Eph 1:3, Luke 6:38, Mal 3:10, Matt 6: 33

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