IN DEBT to the Believer and the Unbeliever
"Both to Greeks and to barbarians
(to the cultured and the uncultured), both to the wise and to the foolish,
I have an obligation to discharge and a duty to perform and a debt to pay."
Romans 1:14 (Amp

06 December 2009

The Corporate Table of Blessing

"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is
for brothern to dwell together in unity!
For there the Lord commanded the blessing."
Psalm 133:1,3

When we come corporately to the table of blessing and together receive and dine on the feast that the Lord has prepared before us even in the presence of our enemies, it is a sign of unity and answered prayer that Jesus lifted up to the Father in His high priestly prayer at the last supper, "that they may be one, even as We are one." This corporate table of blessing becomes a table where we gather in love and oneness of heart to receive all that the Lord Jesus has done for us and blessed us with. It becomes a table of thanksgiving where hearts are joined together in gratitude for all that we have been given in Christ, for all that we know is ours as children of God. It becomes a table where differences of doctrine and denomination are laid aside and oneness of heart and purpose are joined to see Christ revealed and lived out of our lives as believers. Through the shaking and purging of our hearts we find comfort and strength in the joining of our lives and hearts at the Father's table of blessing. We find fellowship and a knitting together of ourselves through the corporate blessing of our Father, and we become empowered corporately to go out and be a blessing, to go out and touch others that are struggling and don't know that there even is a table of blessing that they can go to.
O how I see the Father drawing us to this table of blessing in this hour. How He desires to see His children gathered together around His table in thanksgiving and gratitude for all that He has given and provided for us. How He is pleased when we join our hearts and hands in corporate worship and prayer and go out into the world in the spirit of unity to touch the lives of others.
May we see this done on a grander scale in this last hour, Lord. We want to please You, Father. We want to be one just as You, Jesus, and our Father were one. Amen

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