"You will know the truth and
the truth shall make you free."
John 8:32
John 8:32
"It's not by might, nor by power,
but by My Spirit," says the Lord.
Zechariah 4:6
Zechariah 4:6
As I was praying in the Holy Ghost, I began to hear the Spirit of God saying inside of me, "Dig deep. Dig deep past all the garbage of this world, past all that's covered up that well that releases the rivers of living water in you. Dig deep past the doubt, unbelief, fear, confusion, and frustration with a passion and determination to know the truth that will set you free. Take up that gift that has been given you already, the one that I told you would give you power when you received it. Activate it by your faith. Submerge yourself in it and get out of your own limited reasoning, and align yourself with My will and power to bring forth My kingdom blessing and inheritance for you. I've given you a gift to dig it up out of "your stuff", to see it by your spiritman and bring it forth out of the realm of the spirit into the realm of the natural, but without taking up that tool and activating that gift by your faith you will fall short of seeing the blessing in the natural."
I praise God for this word of encouragement, because in this world our circumstances are screaming at us to get our attention, to get control of our mind so that we will focus on them and not on what the truth of what Jesus has done and how He has triumphed over them. It's the victory that Christ has won over the devil, the god of this world, that we need to keep at the forfront of our minds, and it's this gift of the Holy Spirit that helps us to do that. It plows through the garbage of doubt and unbelief into the clearing of the truth of God's Word, which is the lamp to our feet and the light to our path and which speaks the very will and heart of God. It helps us to pray without ceasing, to remain focused on the truth of the matter, and to stay in the attitude of thanksgiving and praise, for the truth and victory is ever before you. Sometimes you are plowing through the garbage with the Holy Ghost and sometimes you are souring into the heavenlies. Sometimes you are speaking and communicating to the Lover of your soul in the sweet intimacy of your prayer language and other times you are commanding and declaring your authority IN Him to the enemy. It's a gift, a supernatural gift given to us by a supernatural God to accomplish supernatural things, to communicate supernaturally to Him and to get past our own limited mind and reasoning.
Yesterday I was telling the Lord how I wished more people would receive and use this gift. And as I imagined all that would be accomplished and manifested in the natural if more believers did, I heard the Lord speak, "I just wish the ones that had it already would use it."
So the Spirit of God is wanting to encourage us today to dust off this supernatural, God-given gift of the Holy Spirit and begin to activate it again, to use that heavenly prayer language that's been given you once again. He's encouraging us to begin to dig deep past all the doubt and unbelief, past all the discouragement and frustration and get desperate and deteremined enough to see the things that God has promised and ordained for us to come forth as we dig afresh the wells of our salvation and our kingdom inheritance. Let the gift of the Holy Spirit through your heavenely prayer language begin to flow and dig into the depths of the love and the treasures of His kingdom, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, while we see His kingdom come forth here on earth as it is in heaven. Amen
John 7:37,38; John 8:32; Acts 1:8; Heb 11:6; 2 Cor 10:4,5;
Ps 119:105; 1Thes 5:18; Matt 6:13