To Discover and Uncover God's Love
In Him, In Us, and In Others
Our primary assignment is to love God.
In Matt. 22:36-39 Jesus said, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, you shall love your neighbor as yourself.
It's easy to love God - He's just good and He IS love. Loving others is not so easy, and that's because we haven't learned to love ourselves. We tend to focus on our faults and shortcomings, our failures and our weaknesses. We need to discover our value, our worth, the treasure we are to God even in our weaknesses and shortcomings, even when we seem to be failing and unsuccessful in the world's eyes. We need to learn to see and view ourselves as God sees us. And He shows us and gives us His eyes as we read His Word. He unfolds His vision and view of us through His Word.
Father, I want to see myself as You see me.
The Father begins to reply:
"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations.
Do not say, 'I am a youth', because everywhere I send you, you shall go, and all that I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you.
Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. See I have appointed you this day over the nations and over the kingdoms, to pluck up and to break down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.
I have made you today as a fortified city, as a pillar of iron and as walls of bronze against the whole land. And they will fight against you, but they will not overcome you, for I am with you to deliver you," declares the Lord. (Jer. 1:5,7,10,18,19)
And I have called you in righteousness. And I will appoint you as a covenant to the people, as a light to the nations, to open blind eyes, to bring out prisoners from the dungeons, and those who dwell in darkness from prison." (Is 42:6,7)
I called you from your mother's womb. From the body of your mother I named you, and I have made your mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of My hand I have concealed you. And I have made you a select arrow, and I've hidden you in My quiver. And it is in you that I will show My glory.
I will make you a light to the nations so that My salvation may reach to the end of the earth. Kings shall arise and princes shall also bow down; because it is I, the faithful One, the Holy One of Israel who has chosen you. (Is 49:1-3,6b,7b)
You did not choose Me, but it is I who has chosen you, and I have appointed you, that you should go and bare fruit, and that your fruit should remain, and that whatever you asked Me in the name of My Son Jesus, I would do it for you. (John 15:16)
In a favorable time I have answered you, and in a day of salvation I have helped you; and I am keeping you and giving you as a covenant to the people, to restore the land, to make them inherit the desolate heritages, saying to those who are bound, 'Go forth', to those who are in darkness, 'Show yourselves.'
I have put My heart of compassion in you, and He who has compassion on them will lead them, and guide them to springs of water. (Is 49:8-10)
For it is no longer you that is living now, but it is My Son, Jesus, that is living in you and through you, and those things that He did, now you will do also, and greater things will you do, because He comes to Me, He comes making intercession for you. He is praying and petitioning Me on your behalf. His blood has restored you into your kingdom inheritance. I give it all to you now. You have access into all My kingdom riches, and all that you need is at your disposal, that you might subdue the earth, multiply, increase and glorify My name. (Ga;2:20;Jn 14:12;Rom 8:34)
So, know that you are surrounded with My favor as with a shield, that you abound in My grace and favor. (Ps 5:12)
And that My Spirit is upon you, for I have anointed you to bring good news to the afflicted, to the distressed and the oppressed. I have sent you to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and freedom to the prisoners, and to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of your God. You are to comfort all who mourn, giving them beauty for ashes, and the oil of gladness for their mourning. You are to release the mantle of praise for the spirit of heaviness, and you will be called an oak of righteousness, the planting of the Lord that I may be glorified. (Is 61:1-3)
Instead of your shame I am giving you a double portion.
I have wrapped you in a robe of righteousness. (Is 61:7,10)
The abundance of the sea will be turned to you, and the wealth of the nations will come to you." (Is 60:5)
And in this day I am raising you up to be an end-time voice for Me. Open your mouth and I will fill it."
Then the Lord said: "I remember the devotion of your youth, when you were running hard after Me, when your heart was on fire for Me, when I was your portion and My Word was your daily delight, when every hour and every thought was consumed in Me.
I remember those times, and they brought Me great joy. But then as you followed Me into the wilderness where I would test you and mature you, you began to exchange the glory that rested on you for that which does not profit. In the pressures and challenges of the wilderness, you began to lose eye contact with Me, and you let your eyes be taken captive by the surrounding circumstances. You became weak, and you forsook Me, the fountain of living waters, and you began to hew for yourself cisterns, broken cisterns that could hold no water. You began to find other lovers, ones that you gave your time and attention to, ones that caused your heart to be dull and unresponsive to Me.
But My heart became jealous for you, and I could hold back no longer. In the fire of My passionate love for you, I came after you. I sought after you and took you back as My own. I released My fire and consumed My enemies, those lovers that had robbed Me of My precious beloved. I could wait no longer. My jealous love for you burned in My heart, and I brought you back, close to My heart, and now I refuse to let you go. Now I set your heart on fire and ablaze with My love, and together our hearts will be one, flaming with the Father's love for the world, and together we will bring many into the kingdom. We will shine our light and release His love, and many will see and hear and believe."
Thank You, sweet Jesus.
I am my Beloved's and He is mine.