IN DEBT to the Believer and the Unbeliever
"Both to Greeks and to barbarians
(to the cultured and the uncultured), both to the wise and to the foolish,
I have an obligation to discharge and a duty to perform and a debt to pay."
Romans 1:14 (Amp

23 January 2011

Thinking About the Lord

Thinking about the Lord gets our eyes up and off of our circumstances and into the glory realm and victory of what He has done for us through His blood and His Holy Spirit.

This song truly sings my heart and shouts the victory that is already mine when I just take time to think about the Lord. And it's when I do this that He teaches and shows me time and time again the victory I have in Him. He's done so much for me, and I am so grateful. He's saved me, He's raised me, He's healed my heart and turned me around, filled me with His Holy Spirit and given me life, and set my foot on solid ground. O Lord, You are AWESOME, and I thank You for all that You are doing in and through me by Your Spirit. I rejoice in You and I keep my eyes on You.

Lord, let me never forget any of Your benefits, what You have done for me.....'cuz when I think about You it just makes me want to shout! HALLELUJIAH, Thank You, JESUS!
Lord, You're worthy of all the glory and all the praise!

22 January 2011

Praise and Thanksgiving

O I praise God for the realm of the Spirit. As we "enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise" our spirit rises up and gets caught up into that realm of the Spirit where we are NOT captive and prisoners to the circumstances and to our old fleshly thinking patterns, but we are free in the Spirit to hear and to see what the Spirit of God is saying and doing. O how I thank God for the gift of the Holy Spirit, the gift of my heavenly prayer language that connects me with the heart and mind of the Father. How I thank Him for the gift of praise and thanksgiving, the gift and ability to praise Him in the midst of adverse circumstances, the gift and ability to lift my eyes up to Him and see through His eyes and to process through His mind which is at a higher level than my physical body and mind can think at. I am SO grateful that He has given His Holy Spirit, that He has breathed His very breath of life into me and placed His God-given potential in me to do things I would never be able to do without Him.
O I thank You for Your Promise, Father, the promise of the Holy Spirit that has given me new life, that guides me and leads me and empowers me for the supernatural. I thank You, Father, for loving me so much as to send Your ownly begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die for my sins, to shed His blood and redeem me back to You. I thank You for sending the Holy Spirit, the crown of Your redemption to not just be with me, but to live inside of me, and at Your chosen times to come upon me and empower me for a special work and assignment.
O Jesus, You are so wonderful, so precious to me. Thank You for loving me. Thank You for saving me and giving me life. Thank You for filling me with Your Holy Spirit. Thank You for taking me into the heavenlies and giving me glimpses of You. You are glorious. You are radiant. You are magnificent. I love You, Jesus. You are my beloved and I am Yours.

Speak to the Walls

     Last night after serving in the toddler room during our Friday night service, I slipped in the back of the sanctuary to just sit and soak in the presence of the Lord as everyone was leaving and the worship team was packing up. As I soaked for a while one of my dear sisters in the Lord soon came over to me and, laying her hands on my heart and head, she began to pray in the Spirit. Then the Spirit of the Lord began to speak through her, "You have the authority. Speak to the walls in His name. You've paid the price. Whatever you want, speak it, and God will back you up." And then she continued on, praying in the Spirit.
Now, God was breaking me through that prayer, and I felt Him doing something. I just didn't know what exactly. 

Then this morning as I sat in my chair in my prayer room with my Bible in front of me. I had just opened it up, and my eyes soon fell on the passage Ps.34:27 "And let them say continually, 'The Lord be magnified, Who delights in the prosperity of His servant." As I took that Word to heart, I knew that the Lord, my heavenly Father, delights in prospering me, that He wants me to prosper. He wants to bless me so that I may be a blessing and so that He would be magnified through me. Then those words that my dear sister spoke over me last night began to come back up into my spirit, and the words "speak to the walls" seemed to speak louder than before. Now I have heard many times, "speak to the mountain", but I had never heard "speak to the walls". But as I meditated on this, the Lord began to show me that I was a prisoner behind these walls, not the walls of my prayer room, but the walls of lack, of fear and insecurity, of doubt and unbelief, and of pride. He began to show me that He had placed His kingdom inside of me that was being held a prisoner behind these walls, and that I needed to speak to these walls with the authority of Him in me, so that they would fall and so that the kingdom of God within me, the kingdom of power and authority and of wisdom and blessing, could come out and touch the world. He had given me a directive last night through His anointed vessel, my dear sister in the Lord, for me to speak to the walls that were holding me captive and prisoner, because HE wanted to be free. HE wanted to come out and bless and touch the world.

     I share this, because I know God showed me this, not just for myself, but for the Body and Bride of Christ.  His Word says, "He has made us to be a kingdom" (Rev 1:6). His kingdom is within us, and HE is wanting to come forth out of His Body, out of each one of us, and be magnified and glorified through us. When we recognize the walls that are holding us captive and prisoner and begin to speak to them in the power and authority of HIS name, the name of Jesus, the name by which every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He Lord, then those walls will begin to fall. So I challenge you, as I challenge myself, to obey God's directive, and begin to speak to the walls that hold you prisoner, to call them by name, and IN the name of Jesus command them to fall. Refuse to allow those walls to hold you prisoner any longer. And then begin to call forth your inheritance, your blessing, that kingdom of God that is within you that is wanting and needing to rise up and be glorified. "The whole earth is groaning for the manifestations of the sons of God."  It's time for the kingdom of God to come forth into this earth, and for us to BE the sons and daughters of God that are free and manifesting the kingdom inheritance that lies within us. His kingdom will AND IS coming through His Spirit. And as we join together and receive the Promise, and draw upon Him every moment of every day, He will come, and we will see miraculous things in our lives and in the lives of those around us. 

The Holy Spirit living in and through us IS the Promise of the Father.

11 January 2011

"I Have Made You a Kingdom"

As I had been meditating on Rev 1:6, the Lord began to speak to me this morning. I heard Him say, "I have made you a kingdom. I AM that kingdom in you. The kingdom of heaven is within you. It is at hand. I AM the King and I am living IN YOU. It's no longer you that is living any more, but it's Me that is living in you and through you. The king comes to serve. I showed and taught you this truth while I was on earth, then I left it with you through My Word. And now I send you to serve, to be My hands and My feet, to be My mouthpiece, to serve My children and to serve those that don't know Me yet.  I send you to serve in your workplace, in your home, in your church, in your city and your neighborhood.  I send you to serve those that are in darkness and in bondage and have yet to receive the revelation and truth of what I have done for them through the cross.
     "Every place that the sole of your foot shall go, I have given it to you. It's through the authority of My kingdom within you that you are able to penetrate and overcome the kingdom of darkness that you confront in your workplace, in your home and in other establishments and places that I lead you.  Your awareness and acknowledgement of the One that lives in you and of the kingdom that you carry within you causes the enemy to bow his knee.  The light you carry penetrates the darkness and the darkness has no choice but to flee and retreat.
     "When you, the kingdom I've made you to be, comes with the attitude to serve, your work and service brings forth the fruit of My kingdom.  Your work and service bring glory to My name, and I cause all things to work together for your good even when the circumstances speak contrary to this.  In the days ahead You're going to serve homosexuals, drug addicts, prostitutes, thieves, beggars, and many others that are bound in the chains of darkness. Your service is My love flowing out of your hands, out of your giving, out of your prayers, out of your sacrifice. My love never fails and it will bring forth change and fruit, and sometimes you will have the privilege to see the fruit and sometimes you will have to trust Me for the fruit to be displayed at a later date. But know that your labor is not in vain. Your service of humble obedience to Me, given to one of those that I love, will not go unnoticed. I see everything you do. I know the sacrifice you are making. I know you're desire to please Me and to see change in your life as well as those around you. I am at work alongside you. Be patient and persevere in what I've given you to do. Abide in Me and  you will be like a tree that bears its fruit in season. My kingdom IS coming to earth, and I AM being glorified through you and through My Bride."

09 January 2011

He's Made Us to Be a Kingdom

"To Him who loves us, and released us from
our sins by His blood, and He has made us to be
a kingdom, priests to His God and Father;
to Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever.
Revelations 1:5,6

"He has made us to be a kingdom".  These words rose up to me in my spiritman as I began reading the book of Revelations early this morning. I kept hearing the Lord say, "I have made you to BE a kingdom. I AM that kingdom within you. The kingdom of heaven is within you. It is at hand. It is in you. Walk in that kingdom authority. It is yours. I have given it to you."

As I received this word and meditated on it more and more the Holy Spirit began to remind me of truths that I believe the Lord wants us to embrace and walk in in these last days.  Jesus has made us to rule and reign IN Him in this world and to BE His kingdom. The Father has placed His kingdom within us as born again believers, and He wants us to walk in that kingdom authority that is ours through Christ Jesus. He says, "The kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ." (Rev 11:15)  This world's kingdom is under our feet, and God has called us to rule, reign and take domion of it.

The work of Jesus on the cross paid the debt and broke the power of the devil over our lives. It purchased us and brought us back into right relationship with the Father, making us joint heirs with Christ and joint heirs to the inheritance of His kingdom authority. As we receive and embrace this truth by faith, we step into a realm of kingdom authority and empowerment given to us by God the Father through His Son Jesus. When we embrace this revelation and walk in it, His power and authority is released and activated in our lives to overcome and subdue the enemy when he tries to raise his head. And as we walk out our daily lives and this journey of our life in Christ, He brings us across opportunities to stand in that kingdom position and authority and BE His hands to heal and to BE His mouthpiece to speak life through His Word and through His divine wisdom. He has made us to BE a kingdom of priests that live in and walk in the revelation of our kingdom authority and to manifest His power and goodness to those we come in contact with. It's in this way that Jesus is glorified through our lives because His kingdom has come and is continuing to be released through us, His Body and Bride. And as His Bride we are His helpmate, His life partner ready for and looking for every opportunity to see our Lord glorified in this earth and through our lives.

"He has made us to be a kingdom."
Lord, we are carriers of Your anointing, carriers of Your kingdom.  This is an amazing truth and revelation. Help us, Lord, to embrace this and walk in it.  Help us to BE Your kingdom vessels that You can manifest Your glory and power through. Help us to rise up above our circumstances and this world's way of doing things and live, operate and function in the realm of the Spirit and in the power of our kingdom authority. It's what we were created for, bring You glory.  Amen