IN DEBT to the Believer and the Unbeliever
"Both to Greeks and to barbarians
(to the cultured and the uncultured), both to the wise and to the foolish,
I have an obligation to discharge and a duty to perform and a debt to pay."
Romans 1:14 (Amp

16 April 2011

Watch and See

"I see what you've done. Now see what I've done.
I've opened a door before you that no one can slam
shut. You don't have much strength, I know that;
you used what you had to keep My Word. You didn't
deny me when times were rough."
Rev 3:8 (The Message)

I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, "Watch what I will do for you. Watch as you lay on your face before Me surrendering and yielding all to Me. Watch as you become that branch that abides in the vine, as you look and draw from Me as your source and power. Watch as you lay your hand on that person or situation and look to Me for the answer. Watch as I release My power and show My glory. Watch as I take your weakness and reveal My strength. Watch, just watch and see what I will do. I have seen what you have done, but now watch and see what I will do. This is My hour of power and glory. This is My hour that I show Myself mighty on your behalf. Watch, just watch and see what I will do."

12 April 2011

Being Proof Producers

"What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?"
John 6:28

Being stirred in my spirit from reading the book "The New Proof Producers" by Morris Cerulla, the Lord had me look at my hands and ask this question, "What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?", and then the Holy Spirit said, "The keys are in your hands." He said, "These signs will follow them that believe, they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover. They will be like a tree that is firmly planted by the water that bears its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither, and whatever they put their hands to will prosper." He said, "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you will be My witness. When you believe and receive, My power will flow through your hands and whatever you put your hands to will prosper, it will be blessed, it will be healed and it will glorify My name." 

Then He began to show me how electric power is created and released by two wires touching one another, a positive and a negative wire that have come in contact with one another. When an electrician cuts away and strips the insulation off the wire and wraps them together and then flips the switch, an electric current of power flows through them. To get the power to flow you've got to have a negative and a positive wire, and you've got to have stripped the plastic coating or insulation off, and then you've got to touch the two wires together and flip the switch on to send the power through it.
To see God's power released in your life, you need a negative situation that needs a positive charge and release of His power. It may be someone with a critical sickness or disease that needs healing. It may be a financial situation that's deep in the red, a debt that needs to be cleared. Or it may be an unsaved family member that is in the world and caught up in negative circumstances that needs to be broken. As a born again believer when you take this negative situation, and by faith bring it before the Lord in prayer, laying your hands and heart on it, God releases His power through your hands and His words of life spoken over it. You become His conduit to release His power through. Your eyes are not upon the situation, only your hands are. Your eyes are focused upon Jesus, the One with the power, the Creator God, the Healer and Provider, the Author and Finisher of your faith, the Source of your divine inheritance that has been appointed and predestined for you for this good work that He has prepared beforehand that you should walk in. But first, like the insulated wire, you've got to be stripped of self. First you've got to be stripped of all self-effort and all thoughts and attitude of self-accomplishment. "Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains by itself; but if it dies, it produces much fruit." So when you've laid it all down, when you've been stripped of all self and self-effort, when it's all been laid on the altar of sacrifice to be consumed by His fire, when all that you have and all you desire is Jesus, and you are looking to Him alone to produce the power, that's when He comes and connects to your heart and releases His divine love that produces the current and power that begins to manifest the desires that HE has put on your heart. His love has always been there for you, that hasn't changed, but now as you are stripped of self, you're able to be a clear receiver of more of His love and enter into that divine connection of His supernatural power. You're able to partner with the Creator God to prophesy life, healing and prosperity into the negative situation and be that positive charge and conduit of His blessing.

Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil, and He is seated now at the right hand of the Father, making intercession for us. We are His Body and Bride that He loves and has given His life for. We are His pride and joy, and we are here on this earth to be His hands, arms, and mouthpiece. He said those things that He did we will do also and greater things will we do because He goes to the Father. He wants to release His power through us, through His Bride the Church, to be "proof producers", to be His witness in this world that He is alive and living in us, and that His power and life flowing through us is the proof and evidence of it.

What is it that God would have you lay hands on today? What is something negative that needs His positive life and power flowing to it to be transformed and recreated for His glory? Let God challenge your faith and step out by His leading and lay your hands on that situation or that person that needs healing, and speak life and healing into them. Give God an opportunity to show Himself mighty through your faith as you yield to Him and give yourself to be His conduit of blessing.

So, Lord, we lay it all down for You, so that You may be glorified through us, so that You may use our hands to release Your power and healing and grace through. We give all to You that we may receive ALL OF You. Jesus, You are all we need. You are all we want and desire. Come and pour Your Spirit upon us, upon Your Church, upon Your Bride, and let us be all that You've called and desired us to be. Come and pour Your Spirit upon us that we may be Your "proof producers" and magnify Your name here in the earth. You said, "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be open to you."  We ask, Father, that You would pour out Your Spirit and send Your power, manifesting it through our lives and through our hands in this desperate hour for Your glory. Amen and amen

09 April 2011

Stirring God's Creative Juices

Last night the Lord brought forth through His servant and prophet, Randy Chandler, a divinely inspired word in our Friday night glory service that went deep into my spirit. As I have meditated on it and brought it before the Lord in prayer this morning as I lay before Him, the Lord began to speak to me and expand it. I would like to share it with you as it was processed through my heart, mind and spirit. This is what the Spirit of the Lord has spoken to me.

In the position of a "laid down lover", the position of total surrender, submission and dependence upon Jesus, the Lover of our soul, in the position of humility and complete yieldedness, we come before Him as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is our reasonable service of worship, that we might not be conformed to this world, but that we would be transformed by the renewing of our minds so that we might know the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. In this lowly position of a "laid down lover", we are even yet partakers of the divine nature of God, the divine nature of the Creator of the universe, the Creator of heaven and earth, the Creator of the human man with all his intricate, detailed and miraculous bodily parts and functions. In this surrendered and dependent position, our Creator, the One that created and birthed us into this world, and the One that then re-birthed us once again by His very breathe and Spirit into the kingdom of God, has given us and placed within us the inheritance of His divine nature, the ability to create with our spoken words just as He did "in the beginning" when He said, "Let there be light" and there was light. We receive this divine nature, and in this divine nature our God and Creator has given us, as His children, the ability to create wealth that He may establish His covenant with us. He has given us the ability to hear His voice, to know His mind and to speak forth His will and purpose into our lives to create this wealth and to manifest His Word. In this place of dependence He gives us divinely inspired ideas to create wealth.

As we worship God, acknowledging His divinity, His power, His greatness and His majesty, as we worship Him and wrap out lives around all that He is and all that He has done and all that He is able to do, as we worship Him just because He is worthy, as the prophetic word that was spoken last night says, "we begin to stir up His creative juices", we begin to stir up the heart of God to create. As we worship we stir up the Lord, our God and Creator, to create in and for us what we need to walk out and fulfill His divine purpose and plan for us. We are not in a place of striving and "making it happen" as the world would do, but we are in a position of worship, of submission and total dependence, a position of a "laid down lover" totally embraced by the Lover of our soul, totally taken in by His love and majesty, totally yielded and surrendered to His will and purpose, yet totally empowered to create with our spoken word the words of life and blessing that He has for us.
This is a place where the miraculous happens, a place where God receives all the glory, a place where His Word and will is revealed to our spirit, because our flesh and human nature, our talents and abilities are laid down. They've been laid on the altar of sacrifice to be consumed by His fire. They've been submitted and surrendered to Him so that all that would be done and all that would come forth would be of Him. It's in this secret place, this place under the shadow of His wings, this place in the cleft of the rock, this place that's hidden in Him that we are able to be used of Him, the Creator God, to partner with Him in creating the miraculous, to be His instrument of divine creativity. It's in this place of a "laid down lover" that the Lover of our soul begins to share with us His secrets and empowers us to speak and cause them to manifest in the natural.

O how He wants us to discover this place. How He desires for us to come out from among them and be separate, to hide ourselves in Him, to embrace the love and place of His divine communion with Him. I believe Jesus is inviting us today to this place, this secret place of our prayer closet, this secret place of separation unto Him. I believe His is drawing us into His heart so that we may hear the secrets of His heart and know His purpose in our lives, so that He may empower us to speak forth those things that He desires to manifest in our lives, and so that He may manifest the covenant of His blessings in our lives through His "creative juices". I believe the Spirit of God is saying "Come away with Me. Come into My secret place. Come into My bridal chamber that I may love you as you have never been loved before, that I may share My secrets with you. You are My beloved. You are the apple of My eye. You are My precious jewel and pearl of great price. Come. Come. Come away with Me into My secret chamber."

05 April 2011

God Who Answers By Fire

"Then you call on the name of your god,
and I will call on the name of the Lord,
and the God who answers by fire, He is God."

"Then the fire of the Lord fell, and consumed
the burnt offering and the wood and the stones
and the dust, and licked up the water that was
in the trench. And when all the people saw it,
they fell on their faces; and they said, 
"The Lord, He is God; the Lord, He is God"
1 Kings 24,38,39

Our God, "the God who answers by fire" wants to show Himself powerful and with holy fire in this hour through the hearts of His people, a fire that is all consuming, a fire that burns up the dross and residue from the spirit of this world. Our God is calling us to be layed down lovers, living sacrifices that are not perfect but are lovers of God that have hearts that are yielded and submitted to Him, that are willing to give it all for the sake of the call so that His kingdom may come here on earth and in our lives as it is in heaven. He is calling us to be that sacrifice that is holy and acceptable to Him that will lay our lives down on the alter, that will stand in the gap and will call heaven down to earth. Our God is a consuming fire. He is a jealous God, a God after the heart of man, a God that is unrelenting in His love towards us, a God that is shaking everything that can be shaken so that eyes will be opened, ears will be unstopped and hearts will become soft and pliable to His Word and will. Our God, "the God who answers by fire" is calling us to turn from our idols and our stumbling blocks that have kept us from knowing Him, that have kept us from fully embracing all that He has for us, that has kept us from embracing the fullness of the call upon our lives for this crucial hour. The world has got to SEE JESUS. The world has got to see that He is real, that He is alive, that He is alive and living IN US. The world has got to see His power and His love and His undeniable truth exemplified in our lives, the proof and evidence that the living God is truly alive and has the power to change lives and circumstances.

God is calling us. So let us answer His call and lay our lives down as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God that we may not be conformed to this world, but that we may be transformed by the renewing of our minds, so that we may be able to prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:1,2) Let us be filled with His Spirit and walk not according to the flesh but according to the leading of His Holy Spirit. Let us be that living evidence to the world that Jesus is alive, that He is living in us, that we walk different from the world, and in this different walk and different way that He answers by fire and with evidence.

Come fire of God. Come with Your holy fire. We lay our lives down on the altar with all our dreams, with all our visions and aspirations, with all our achievements and failures so that You may come and consume the sacrifice of our hearts and lives. We present ourselves as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to You that we would not be conformed to this world, but that we would be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Come fire of God, consume the sacrifice! Show Yourself mighty in our lives, show Yourself mighty before the people of this world. Let them see a God that answers by fire. Let them see a God that has consumed this sacrifice and has left evidence of His power and greatness. We lay our lives down on the altar for You, O God. Come and consume us! Send us out in the power and spirit of Elijah. Send us out consumed by Your love, giving evidence of Your power and glory to this dying world. We call on You, O God.  We call on YOU.
We lay it all down and call upon Your consuming fire, so that all that would be left would be pure and holy and would shine forth Your glory. Amen and amen

02 April 2011

Two Kingdoms Square Off

As I continued to meditate on the flaming heart of God within me (the revelation revealed in the previous blog) the Lord was showing me that at the core of every believer is the flaming heart of passionate love that the Father has towards us as His children and the passionate love that the Bridegroom Jesus has towards His Bride, the Church. And as I meditated on it in the Spirit the Lord began to show me the core of this earth, the core of the spirit of this world, and that the core of this earth is as a fire. It is as molten lava, but it is a tormenting fire, a totally different kind of fire in comparison to the fire of His kingdom love. It's the place we identify often as the torrents of hell. As I stood there, with His flaming heart of passionate love blazing within me, looking at this tormenting fire at the core of this earth, I felt as if the two kingdoms were squaring off; two kingdoms, two fires, two spirits, two powers, two forces. The very core of God's flaming fire in me was standing face to face with the very core of this tormenting fire of this earth. And I heard, "Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world." And then I heard, "The kingdoms of this world HAVE become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ." (1 Jn 4:4; Rev 11:15)
I knew that the powers of the kingdom of light were always victorious over the powers of the kingdom of darkness. I knew that the power and fire and authority within me was greater than any tormenting fire, power or principality that was upon or within this earth, and there was a great strength that began to arise within me as I acknowledged and stood in the power of the living God that I knew lay within me. And from this position of authority, in the passionate fire of His love and power, I began to speak to the powers and principalities of darkness that would try to sneak into my home and family, as I took dominion of my household, speaking in the authority of His name, the name Jesus, the name by which every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He is Lord, the name that sends demons fleeing and angels responding.
(I share this with you as one born again believer to another to share a revelation of authority and dimension that I believe the Lord wants us to recognize and pray from as we stand in the gap for our households, "for we wrestle not with flesh and blood but against the principalities, against the powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against the spiritual wickedness in heavenly places." Eph 6:12)

I continued to speak and declare God's Word and truth over my home and speak to the powers of darkness that would try to creep in, commanding them to leave in Jesus name, praying in the Holy Ghost and seeing with the eyes of faith. The fire of God within me, which is a consuming fire, began to consume the very atmosphere of the room that I was in and then go through every room, every closet, every nook and corner of my house. The fire and love of the living God was consuming and overtaking the powers of darkness, consuming all that stood in the way of His kingdom coming in its fullness into my house and family. He was taking dominion of this establishment. It was HIS possession, His dwelling place, His home and He would was not allowing anything of this world to pollute it.

I praise God for the power of the Holy Spirit, for the gift of the Holy Ghost, and for the power of prayer and intercession as we stand in the gap and in our authority as children of God, as joint heirs with Christ to the throne and inheritance of the living God. His power and authority lie within us and must be tapped into as we recognize and pray from that position of His flaming and passionate love within us. God's love never fails. It's all consuming. There is no power greater than His love. God IS love. His love is pure and unconditional and without measure.

Help us Father to operate in this love, this love that's been shed abroad in our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Help us to be so consumed in Your love that no other love, no other counterfeit of this world will take it's place. We give You our hearts to consume with Your love. We give You our lives to overshadow and take full control of by Your Holy Spirit. We turn and run away from religion, from the powerlessness of it's substitute for Your life-giving freedom of the life of the Spirit in Christ Jesus. We embrace all that You are and all that You want to be in and through us. We give You full reign in our lives and submit to Your leading and Your guidance through the Holy Spirit. Fill us, O Lord, with Your power. Fill us to overflowing and baptize us in Your all consuming fire. You are the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God that answers by fire. Send us out in these days in the spirit of Elijah. Let signs and wonders follow the preaching and ministering of Your Word. Let us be evidence of the One that lives on the inside of us. Let Your kingdom come and Your will be done in us and in this world in this desperate hour in Jesus name. Amen and amen