IN DEBT to the Believer and the Unbeliever
"Both to Greeks and to barbarians
(to the cultured and the uncultured), both to the wise and to the foolish,
I have an obligation to discharge and a duty to perform and a debt to pay."
Romans 1:14 (Amp

29 September 2013

Hear God's Heart

As the Holy Spirit led us through worship this morning with "Magnificent God" and then into this song "All Honor All Glory" the Lord began to speak to me.......He said, "When you worship you invoke My presence and I come and enthrone Myself upon your praises, and I bring My power, I bring My anointing, and I empower you with My anointing to do any and all that I have called you to do. Worship Me more in spirit and in Me with your whole heart and I will come and fill your life and your heart with all of Me. Everything you need is IN Me. Worship and love Me more."
Then the message that came forth from our pastor confirmed these words that He was speaking to me.

Although I could never share the message with the fullness of the anointing that was on it, the heart and essence of that message was: What is it that God wants most?'s not our serving, it's not our evangelizing, it's not our preaching and teaching of His Word....although all of these are good and necessary. But what God wants most and is looking for is for us to LOVE's answered in two scriptures: Matthew 22:37 and John 4:23.

In Matthew 22:37 Jesus answers the Pharisee that had the question "What is the greatest commandment of the Law?"  In other words, "What is the greatest of all the commandments?"  Jesus answered by saying, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind."  This was God's heart. It was not a stern commandment, but God was unlocking His heart through Jesus and telling us what He really wanted. He was saying, "THIS is what I want most......I want you to love Me."  God is looking for someone to love Him, to truly love Him. It's the longing of His heart. Our worship shows and speaks our love and devotion to Him. It opens our hearts to lavish that love upon Him. When we worship we go deeper into that expression of love than our praises speak......Simply put, praise says, "Thank You" and worship says, "I love You."  Worship from a heart of devotion and love speaks volumes to God as we lay all our cares and agendas down to focus on Him, to love Him with all our heart, and to lift Him on high with our worship.

God tells us that He's looking for worshipers. Jesus speaks and shares this through the heart of the Father in John 4:23 when he is speaking to the woman at the well. He says, "But the hour is coming and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers." It's God's heart......He's gathering worshipers. He's looking for those that will love Him, those that will abandon themselves with all their heart, with all of their soul and with all of their mind, and express their love through their sincere and focused worship. God wants it all, hearts of love and devotion to the Father, to the One that created us, to the One that continually loves us and forgives us, and to the One that gave His only Son for us so that we could be reinstated back into right relationship as the family of God. God is truly worthy and deserves our worship, our passionate, heart felt and abandoned worship.

Help us Father, to lay it all down, to give You our hearts fully and with reckless abandonment, to hold nothing back but to give our hearts, our lives and our devotion to You through our worship. Set Your Church and Bride free from all restraints and come with Your holy fire. Holy Spirit.....we wait on You.....for Fire, for Holy Fire.

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